Armouries introduction

At this stage in the project we visited the Royal Armouries in Leeds. Despite having the option to finish the current project and begin anew with the Armouries, I felt I still have room for further development so I decided to begin bringing in elements of my Armouries work into my current samples. I felt as though there was a connection between the shapes and materials in the armouries and the work I had done up to this midway point.

I began sampling using elements from my current work and the armouries, seeing how they work together and what I would need to adjust, in terms of materials, to reflect the feeling of the Armouries. Whether this means experimenting with tougher materials and creating more structural elements.

My intention moving forward with this project is to develop the more structural element of the armour whilst till taking inspiration
from the textures, shapes and colours evident in the earlier part of the project. I also developed my colour scheme from the armouries as shown below.


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