Mid Point Review : SAMPLING

So far in this unit, I have definitely grow in confidence with regards to my approach to working. I have been pushing myself to use different processes, colour schemes and materials. With regards to my drawing I have slowly become more confident in my drawing and therefor haven’t been limiting myself to a small sketchbook and have been working on bigger sheets.
Due to my drawings becoming larger, my samples followed suit, this allowed me to form a stronger link between my drawings and my samples, although I am still working on this, I didn’t expect to work so large scale considering the size of my samples produced at the beginning of this project. Giving myself more surface to work onto, I found myself keeping my work simpler, something I was probably afraid to do before.
In comparison to the last unit, I feel more engrossed in my work, and have been working better independently, utilising the studio more outside of taught hours. I better understand how to develop my own work, and have become more critical of my processes, which so far I feel is helping in terms of moving my work forward.
I do however feel like I have not been attending the bi-weekly meetings enough and will work on this during the rest of the unit

Below is some of my work from this unit so far.


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