STAC x Virgin project development

Following the end of the STAC x Virgin project, as a group we decided to continue to develop the project as we really liked some of the ideas we had come up with and wanted to push them further and reinvent the project to be something more suited to our way of working.

STAC wanted a muted wall installation, but I love colour, 3D work and interesting shape so this felt like a perfect opportunity to reimagine this project.

Like any new project, I began with drawing. I started by referring back to the images I took in and around the Castlefield area and drew my attention slightly away from the shapes we had focused on earlier in the project and tried to discoverer something different in these images that i had not paid attention to before and since starting to work in a more illustrative drawing style in my Drawing project I found more inspiration in the photographs I took that I had done previously.

Following drawing, we started sampling making fun playful shapes using plaster, balloons, mod rock and wire.

I really love the shape of the pink sample but as plaster isn't very environmentally friendly i need to think more about materials that could act in a similar way.

I thought about stuffing balloons with recycled, shredded paper and weighing the ends down to produce a similar shape.

At this stage in the project, the opportunity to pick up another live brief came about, pitching to DAC Beachcroft. I felt it would be better experience to turn my attention to this new project after how I felt about the Virgin x STAC project. We decided to leave this project as it was, for me a short drawing project. However, i really enjoyed starting to work in 3D so this concept may be something i pick back up in Unit X. 
The intention for this project would have been to produce a collection of small, fun 3D samples that could be visualised on a much larger scale as a part of playgrounds or installations. I think this is the part of this project I will take forward as oppose to the shapes we were working with as they no longer hold much context. 


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