Summer Work

I began my summer project by going to various types of museums that hold collections. First the Horniman Museum in London, which was interesting as it held two different collections, one composed of stuffed animals and various organisms in test tubes. The other part of the Museum was ‘The World Gallery’ which contains “Over 3,000 objects from around the world give you a glimpse into other ways of life and a greater understanding of other peoples, places and cultures. “

I found this collection of objects really interesting to draw, mainly because of how it was displayed. Regarding the first room of the museum, I found the groupings of organisms in tubes and jars etc. quite strange as it was like walking into a lab of some sort.
I began focusing on the placing of objects and the relationship between them.

Over summer, using the Horniman as my starting point, I visited different types of museums, one being Dorich House in Kingston. A Russian sculptor Dora Gordine previously owned the house with her husband Richard Hare. The house is filled with her work, both in the studio and living areas. This museum made me think about the value of collections in your own home, and what makes some worthy of being turned into a museum.

I decided to develop my work by looking at an idea I had previously looked into but was still intrigued by, this being the concept of a ‘Personal Museum’ as introduced by Hallam and Hockey.

‘In contemporary Western societies, memories are often conceived as possessions: we ‘keep’ or ‘preserve’ our memories almost as though they are objects in a personal museum’.
(Hallam and Hockey, 2001: 3)

This idea is something i want to take further in the development of my work, possibly exploring my own collections and others around me, exploring the effect they have on how comfortable we feel in our homes.


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