
Effects of fast fashion research


UNIT X illustration research

THINGS TO THINK ABOUT AUDIENCE MESSAGE CONTENT SETTING STYLE MEDIUM CHARACTERS COLOUR TEXTURE William Grills Shackleton's Journey really simple, eye catching drawing style breakdown of elements of drawings is interesting (second pic) only one medium, adds consistency Tiny, perfect things M.H.Clark The whole world is a treasure waiting to be found. Open your eyes and see the wonderful things all around. This is the story of a child and a grandfather whose walk around the neighborhood leads to a day of shared wonder as they discover all sorts of tiny, perfect things together. With rhythmic storytelling and detailed and intricate illustrations, this is a book about how childlike curiosity can transform ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.

Risograph leaflet development

Black and white - before layer separation  Final version with all images flipped to face the same way... yellow base layer, pink middle, blue top (probably just a proposal for a print now but these are similar to the colours the riso would have produced) I plan to take some ideas from this to develop a narrative focused on consumerism - need to think about audience etc to determine the format i want my narrative to be written in (zine, book)


Isabel Fletcher Offcut two Brixton My visual responses Celia Pym visual mending


Three areas of research: Process Consumerism/excess Solutions PROCESS Explore process of cotton industry impact on environment looking at changing peoples attitudes informative leaflet  showing process of making a plan white t shirt riso graph preparations : Landfill drawings: Visualisation thinking about what we can apply to clothing to change our throw away attitude - customising with visuals -embroidery -provide a customisation kit with plain white t shirts? CONSUMERISM/EXCESS Illustrative informative book use narrative to inform link to informative leaflet crossover in research refer to cp3 research SOLUTIONS look at visible mending techniques find solutions and include in book natural dying patchwork produce range of sustainable products offcuts Darning/visible mending changing attitudes towards prolonging clothings life  eliminate throw away culture  Patchwor...

PULP final samples

Throughout this project i have been trying to make functional items using paper pulp that also look like a desirable object. It was a bumpy start with all my samples falling to pieces and therefor not very functional. At this final stage in the project i feel like i have overcome a lot of challenges and have finally achieved something that is durable, functional and aesthetically pleasing. Although i would have liked to be further on in this project by this stage, I didn't anticipate how tricky it would be to find a technique and 'recipe' that would really work. Below is my final sample for PULP, a vase slip made with recycled printer paper, hand painted and held together by a simple running stitch. The video below demonstrates how the slip works. This is something I really want to continue developing in unit X, making more shapes to cover different objects such as wine bottles, plastic water bottles etc. to make what would be rubbish into something decorative ...